Golf Leagues

Blue Course Ladies Golf League

Established in 1970

The Blue Course Ladies Golf League (BCLGL) plays Wednesday mornings, May through September, with reserved tee times. Membership is open to all women, age 21+, with basic experience and knowledge of the game. We encourage all skill levels with two options for play, 18 or 9 holes. Tee times begin at 9:00 am for our 18-hole golfers with the 9-hole golfers’ tee times following.

The word “league” seems intimidating but it does not have to be. It’s an opportunity to improve your golf game through various weekly games/events and meet other golfing women. This league utilizes handicaps and flights to encourage different weekly winners and offers learning and social opportunities. An established handicap is not required to join and can be obtained through league play. There is an advanced weekly sign up to play golf, but you are under no obligation to play every week or provide a substitute if you are unable to attend. You can choose to walk, push a cart or ride.

The BCLGL Membership dues are $35.

Additionally, the GHIN handicap registration fee is $35, unless you have a handicap card through membership in any golf course. Standard golf course greens fees apply unless you are a PSU Golf Courses member.

Contact: Current Membership Chair, Marian Fritzsche via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

1523 W. College Ave, State College, PA 16801